Do you want to re-start exercising after a break or an injury? The first step can be hard at times, especially if you are not in the shape you once were. That´s why I want to help you find motivation and inspire you to take it easy and just start – because it´s totally worth it and you just have to do the first step, which does not have to be hard!
1. Start in a way that motivates you
Begin with a routine or move that’s fun and that you´re good at or start with what your body needs the most right now (for example relaxing and massaging movements for you sore neck and shoulder muscles after sitting at a desk all day). Think “I´m just doing this one exercise / move, because it´s fun and helps to make me feel better”.
2. Keep it simple, don’t over think
Just move the different body parts in a gentle and relaxing way to loosen up the muscles until you slightly sweat, your heart rate is up and you feel warm. Add 3-5 strengthening exercises and repeat if needed. Cool down with stretching and imagine breathing into your muscles for relaxation. This gets you active and lets you reconnect to your body without being overwhelmed.
3. Start with one body part at a time
You do a total body warm up and then decide to work on one body part – this can be your favorite or one you like to change. Instead of working on a body part you can also choose to train certain exercises that you want to be able to achieve.
4. Consider the time you work out as time for yourself
It’s your moment to connect with your body and become aware of its needs. It´s also a moment to progress and get one step closer towards your goals (you get better every time you work out, even if you don’t feel like it).
5. Support yourself
You should work out because you love your body and not because you hate it. Remember this to fuel your work out motivation! To re-start exercising gets much easier if you create a supportive and loving atmosphere for yourself. And I’m here to support you too, you know! You got this!
6. Forget perfectionism
Progress is what makes you strive, perfection is not necessary! If you tend to compare yourself with the shape you once were in, remember that it just takes time to get it back. But that´s ok, because you´re strong, you will go for it and every time you work out you get a little closer!
7. The first 20 minutes count the most!
Especially if you did not train for some time, your body benefits the most from the first 20 minutes of your workout, that’s scientifically proven. Meaning 20-30 minutes are enough to work out, then stretch and cool down.
8. You will see progress quickly
When you re-start exercising, you will see the biggest changes in the beginning, in relation to the time you workout. This means short work outs are enough to get visible results – no need to put too much pressure on yourself.
9. You will never regret a work out, but you will always regret having cancelled one!
Reserve a timeslot in your calendar for working out and do not cancel it! Exercising regularly really pays off, because once you´ve made it a habit, it becomes actually a part of your routine that you need and don´t want to miss.
10. Exercising makes you feel so good
Visualize how powerful, fresh, energetic, alive, glowing, accomplished and proud you will feel after your workout!
11. Feel comfortable in your workout gear
Buy new workout clothes (does not have to be a full outfit of course!) that you love and really like to wear.
12. Give yourself a chance!
Don’t be so hard on yourself, because this does not help your motivation to work out at all. Exercising is not a competition – not even with yourself (except this motivates you!). It’s just you, working out and doing well for your body, soul and health!
13. Try a bunch of things
If you re-start exercising, try different workouts to see what you like and what makes you feel good. Finish one routine and when you don’t like it, just don´t do it again and choose something different next time. But you will still feel powerful that you did it and are more motivated to work out regularly. Eventually, you get to know your body better and are more likely to find a work out that is fun and that you really want to do!
14. Don´t get overwhelmed by goals
You can have a fitness goal, but doing the work out is already a goal. 🙂
15. Allow yourself to start slow
Know that you will get better and do more difficult exercises with time. Give yourself the permission to not be perfect, because that’s ok! Just start moving somehow, in the beginning. It’s ok to do a warm up as training, if you feel like it. If you’ve done that a couple of times, you will want to do a harder workout by yourself 😉 Activity gives you energy and leads to more activity! There’s no need to aim for the highest performance possible. Don´t put too much pressure on you!
16. Just start NOW!
Now is the perfect time! Right NOOWWWW!!!! You got this! 🙂
Your Point(e):
What is your biggest struggle with working out or re-starting to exercise?
How do you find motivation?
Thank you, Inga!
This particular article was very helpful to me as I have had some difficulty with arthritis and it has impacted my activity. I am moving in the right direction, but this really gave me a boost!
Hi Edward!
Thank you for commenting! I´m happy my tips are helpful to you and motivate you to get more active 🙂 I think what we sometimes forget is to really observe how our own body works and adjust our training to it – no matter what every body else does or even what we ourselves were once able to do. You only can advance when you work with your body and also it´s limitations as they are now – but this work is always very worth it and soon you will see progress! I wish you all the best and keep up with the good work!